Author • Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness Expert • Immigrant Behavioral Health • Health Disparities and Health Equity Consultant

El Doctor Mancini is a platform created to manifest change in access to services for those afflicted with mental health and substance use disorders.
We will advocate to correct and change current policies, laws, rules and regulations that create barriers for those with limited English proficiency and/or different cultural understanding of behavioral health.
Pierluigi Mancini, PhD
With over 30 years of experience in culturally and linguistically appropriate behavioral health treatment and prevention, Dr. Mancini is one of the most sought after national and international consultants and speakers on the subject of mental health and addiction, his area of expertise is immigrant behavioral health. His book ¡Mental! In The Trump Era – Ten Inspirational Stories About Immigrants Overcoming Addiction, Depression and Anxiety in America has recently been published to great reviews and it is available on in English and in Spanish.
Dr. Mancini recently led a project to train clinicians in Latin America who are taking care of the over 4 million displaced Venezuelans arriving in Colombia, Perú, Ecuador, Brazil, Panamá and other countries.